We put much effort on improving the design and we made great progress. Currently, the design is the follwing (I hope, we can keep that).
Contains all the meta-class-magic: CitationBase provides some basic functions, LoadableCitation can load the bib-file using pybtex, if the citation is needed. Then, it will change the class (!) of the element to Citation, which can print the citation using pybtex. We get a cache for free.
The class Citable: all classes representing cit-able elements in sage (citables.py) inherit from this class. They all have the (meta-)class LoadableCitation, when they are created. They can specify a type (default: software) and a filename to the bib-file (if it differs from the class' name).
from citable import Citable class singular(Citable): pass class magma(Citable): pass class slimgb(singular) passNote, that the code only holds the dependencies of citations, the rest is done automatically. (There are more examples below.)
A cython-file containing the "ugly stuff". You can decorate your own function with @use_citation(citable). If the function is called, the citation will be added to the set of used citations. You can also manually add to this set by calling used_citations(citable). If you want to get all the used citations, simply call: print used_citations and it will give you back all you need (for this sage-session).
You can also refer to all formats supported by pybtex (bibtex, bibtexml, bibyaml, latex, html, plaintext) by calling used_citations.print_all(format).
>>> @use_citation(citables.magma) ... def simple_func(): ... pass >>> print used_citations None >>> simple_func() >>> print used_citations @article{ MR1484478, author = "Bosma, Wieb and Cannon, John and Playoust, Catherine", volume = "24", doi = "10.1006/jsco.1996.0125", title = "The {M}agma algebra system. {I}. {T}he user language", url = "http://dx.doi.org/10.1006/jsco.1996.0125", journal = "J. Symbolic Comput.", issn = "0747-7171", mrclass = "68Q40", number = "3-4", note = "Computational algebra and number theory (London, 1993)", mrnumber = "MR1484478", year = "1997", pages = "235--265", fjournal = "Journal of Symbolic Computation" } >>> print used_citations.print_all("latex") \begin{thebibliography}{8} \bibitem[1]{MR1484478} Wieb Bosma, John Cannon, and Catherine Playoust. \newblock The {M}agma algebra system. {I}. {T}he user language. \newblock \emph{J. Symbolic Comput.}, 24:235--265, 1997. \end{thebibliography}
Dependencies of citations are also possible.
>>> used_citations.forget() >>> used_citations(citables.slimgb) >>> used_citations.format = "latex" >>> print used_citations \begin{thebibliography}{8} \bibitem[1]{DGPS} W.~Decker, G.-M. Greuel, G.~Pfister, and H.~Sch\"{o}nemann. \newblock {\sc Singular} {3-1-3} --- {A} computer algebra system for polynomial computations. \newblock 2011, http://www.singular.uni-kl.de. \bibitem[2]{slimgbrevista} Michael Brickenstein. \newblock Slimgb: {G}r{\"o}bner bases with slim polynomials. \newblock \emph{Revista Matemática Complutense}, 23, issue 2:453--466, 2010. \end{thebibliography}
There is a logging feature, which I'm not happy about yet. Furthermore, the documentation needs huge improvements.
It is very interesting to see, how the low-level stuff like cython-optimization, calling directly into Sets and Tuples, works so well together with high-level magic like metaclasses, changing a class' (meta-)class.